The variety of cucumber that Eden Farms pioneered, and has become renowned for within the industry, is the continental cucumber variety. The name ‘Continental Cucumber’ was chosen by Eden Farms. It is also sometimes referred to as the Dutch telegraph cucumber.
Continental Cucumbers are acid free, long, green and thin with edible skin. The cucumbers have a slightly ribbed appearance and the product is individually wrapped to maintain freshness and improve shelf life. The continental cucumber has a very small seed cavity unlike the traditional field grown green and white cucumbers and the flesh is crunchy and sweet. The soft edible skin of the continental cucumber is soft to the palate and great for presentation. The Eden Farms continental cucumber removed the necessity to peel cucumbers or score the skin with a fork as the green ridged edible skin is already decorative.
Continental Cucumbers age faster if they are stored at temperatures above 8 degrees. They should not be stored with tomatoes, apples or melons. The plastic wrap is used to retain the moisture and freshness of the fruit so ensure they are kept in their plastic wrap in the fridge.